Student’s Induction Programme
As per the direction of the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Student Induction Programme (SIP) on “An Innovative Guidance with a Progressive Approach to Shift the New Entrants into Graduate Learners” for the academic year 2024-25 was organized by IQAC of our College of Arts and Science for the first-year UG students from 26.06.2024 to 08.07.2024 at GKD Auditorium. The programme was stated with the aim of imparting the history and tradition of Vidyalaya and the regular curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities of the college. The inaugural session of the programme started with the rituals offered to the freshmen. Dr. A. Muthusamy, Principal, welcomed the gathering. Swami Anapekshananda, Secretary of the College, presided over the programme and delivered the benedictory address. Dr. R. Sridhar, Director, briefed the students on the various extra credit courses (online certifications, NPTEL, SWAYAM courses) offered by our College. Dr. K. Shanmugasundaram, IQAC Coordinator, highlighted the significance and dynamics of the programme and the importance of the student Induction programme.
The activities of various forums like NSS, NCC, YRC, Sports, CDC, Competitive Examination Cell, Scholarship and Education loan, CGP cell, Guidance and Counselling cell, and Fine Arts Club were explained by respective faculty members. The mechanism of computing internal components, examination procedures, a code of conduct, and accessing e-learning resources were also explained to the students.
During the period, value based and motivational talks by various monks of the Vidyalaya, alumni and Industrialists, Personality development Sessions by experts, Health and hygiene, Drug and Substance Abuse awareness, and some stretching exercises were also discussed. Finally, to assess the learning level of the students’, entry-level assessment and exit-level assessment tests were conducted at their respective Department levels.